1st SSC NPA meeting

    Tokyo, Japan
    Short Name
    1st SSC NPA meeting
    Registration Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
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    No documents listed
    No documents listed
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    No documents listed
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC01-2016-SSC-NPA01-WP01 Tentative Calculation Of Stock And Catch Dynamics Under Different Management Rules Of North Pacific Armorhead, Pentaceros Wheeleri In The Emperor Seamounts Area
    NPFC01-2016-SSC-NPA01-WP02 Estimation Of Recruitment Period Of North Pacific Armorhead, Pentaceros Wheeleri Based On CPUE And Fatness Index
    NPFC01-2016-SSC-NPA01-WP03a (Draft) NPFC Conservation and Management Measures for Bottom Fisheries in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean (Secretariat – in consultation with Japan)
    NPFC01-2016-SSC-NPA01-WP03b (Draft with track changes) NPFC Conservation and Management Measures for Bottom Fisheries in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
    NPFC01-2016-SSC-NPA01-Inf01b (Full Text) History, Biology, and Conservation of Pacific Endemics 2. The North Pacific Armorhead, Pentaceros wheeleri (Hardy, 1983) (Perciformes, Pentacerotidae)
    NPFC01-2016-SSC-NPA01-Inf02a Prey use by three deep-sea fish in the Emperor Seamount waters, North Pacific Ocean, as revealed by stomach contents and stable isotope analyses
    NPFC01-2016-SSC-NPA01-Inf02b (Full Text) Prey use by three deep-sea fish in the Emperor Seamount waters, North Pacific Ocean, as revealed by stomach contents and stable isotope analyses
    NPFC01-2016-SSC-NPA01-Inf01a History, Biology, and Conservation of Pacific Endemics 2. The North Pacific Armorhead, Pentaceros wheeleri (Hardy, 1983) (Perciformes, Pentacerotidae)