2nd Technical and Compliance Committee Meeting

    Sapporo, Japan
    Short Name
    2nd TCC
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    2. Appointment of Rapporteur
    3. Admission of Observers
    4. Adoption of Agenda
    5. Progress Report from the Secretariat
    5.1 Overview of North Pacific Fisheries
    5.2 Secretariat and Chair Review of TCC Activities 2016-2017
    5.2.1 VMS Study Tender and Status
    5.2.2 TCC WEBEX Preparatory Meeting
    5.2.2. a. CMM 2016-06 revision
    5.2.2. b. High Seas Boarding and Inspection
    5.2.2. c. Compliance Work Plan and Priorities
    6. Review of MCS related issues from SC
    6.1 Data Management and Information Security
    6.2 Other Issues from SC
    7. Review of Current MCS-related CMMs
    7.1 CMM 2016-01 - Vessel Registry
    7.2 CMM 2016-02 – IUU
    7.2. a) Draft IUU Vessel List
    7.3 CMM 2016-03 – Interim Transshipment Procedures
    7.4 CMM 2016-04 – Vessels with No Nationality
    7.5 CMM 2016-05 – Bottom Fisheries and VME Protection NW Pacific Ocean
    7.5 a) Review of the proposal of crab fishery (NPFC-2017-SC02-WP02) in light of the paragraph 4A of CMM 2016-05
    7.6 CMM 2016-06 – Bottom Fisheries and VME Protection NE Pacific Ocean
    7.6 a) CMM 2016-06 SC Revision
    7.7 CMM 2016-07 – Chub Mackerel
    7.8 CMM 2015-02 - Pacific saury
    8. Compliance Work Plan and Priorities
    8.1 Review of TCC Framework, key management issues and discussion on key management pressures from Agenda Items 6 and 7
    8.2 Recommendation on TCC Work Plan Priorities
    8.3 Procedures to advance TCC Work Plan
    9. Ongoing and new MCS-related CMMs and Issues
    9.1 High Seas Boarding and Inspection Procedures
    9.2 Other MCS Issues
    9.3 Annual Reporting Format (Science vs. Compliance data)
    10. Other Matters
    10.1 Selection of next Chair and Vice-Chair
    10.2 Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties (CNCPs)
    11. Recommendations to the Commission
    12. Next Meeting
    13. Adoption of the Report
    14. Close of the Meeting
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-MIP02 (Rev. 2)
    Provisional Agenda
    Annotated Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-MIP04 (Rev 6)
    Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-MIP05 (Rev. 3)
    Draft Provisional List of Documents
    No documents listed
    Fisheries Overview
    No documents listed
    Introduction to CLS
    VMS Study Summary Findings and Recommendations
    TCC WEBEX Preparatory Conference
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    Information Security Guidelines _Webex
    REVISION OF CMM 2016-05
    REVISION CMM 2016-06
    Management of Documents
    No documents listed
    NPFC Vessel Registry Plan
    NPFC Draft IUU Vessel List
    Vessels sighted in the Convention Area by Japan
    China's Response to Draft IUU Vessel List
    Russian Federation's Response to Draft IUU Vessel List
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP12 (Rev. 1)
    Provisional IUU Vessel List
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP03 (Rev.2)
    Transshipment Summary Format
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    Compliance Monitoring 2016
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP11 (Rev. 1)
    TCC Compliance Work Plan 2017
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP08 (Rev. 1)
    TCC Compliance Work Plan Discussion Overview
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    CMM 2017-XX High Seas Boarding and Inspection
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    TCC02 Draft Report
    TCC02-Draft Report (Rev. 2)
    No documents listed
    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-MIP02 (Rev. 2) Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-MIP03 Annotated Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-MIP04 (Rev 6) Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-MIP05 (Rev. 3) Draft Provisional List of Documents
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP01 VMS Study Summary Findings and Recommendations
    NPFC-2018-TCC03-WP01 Management of Documents
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP02 TCC WEBEX Preparatory Conference
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP03 (Rev.2) Transshipment Summary Format
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP04 REVISION CMM 2016-06
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP05 Information Security Guidelines _Webex
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP06 REVISION OF CMM 2016-05
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP07 NPFC Draft IUU Vessel List
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP08 (Rev. 1) TCC Compliance Work Plan Discussion Overview
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP09 China's Response to Draft IUU Vessel List
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP10 Russian Federation's Response to Draft IUU Vessel List
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP11 (Rev. 1) TCC Compliance Work Plan 2017
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP12 (Rev. 1) Provisional IUU Vessel List
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP13 (Rev. 1) CMM 2017-XX To a List of Vessels Presumed to Have Carried Out IUU Activities in the NPFC CA
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-WP14 CMM 2017-XX High Seas Boarding and Inspection
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-IP01 Fisheries Overview
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-IP02 Introduction to CLS
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-IP03 NPFC Vessel Registry Plan
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-IP04 Compliance Monitoring 2016
    NPFC-2017-TCC02-IP05 Vessels sighted in the Convention Area by Japan
    NPFC-2017-TCC02 TCC02-Draft Report (Rev. 2)
    NPFC-2017-TCC02 TCC02 Draft Report